

what a waste management

Waste management is the collection, transportation, processing, recycling, or disposal of waste material. This phrase usually refers to waste materials which result from human activities, and usually managed to reduce their impact on health, the environment or the beauty. Waste management is also done to restore natural resources. Waste management can involve solid, liquid, gas, or radioactive methods and special skills for each type of substance.

Different waste management practices differ between developed countries and developing countries, also differ between urban areas with rural areas, also differ between a residential area with industrial areas. Which are not hazardous waste management of settlements and institutions in metropolitan areas are usually the responsibility of local governments, while the waste from commercial and industrial areas usually handled by a waste processing company.

The benefits of waste management

1. Saving natural resources
2. Energy savings
3. Saving landfill
4. Beautiful environment (clean, healthy, comfortable)

Disaster waste that is not managed well

1. Avalanche piles of garbage: garbage Avalanche Leuwigajah
2. Source disease
3. Environmental Pollution

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